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CMAA Code of Ethics

Club Managers of America Code of Ethics

  • We believe the management of clubs is an honorable calling. We are convinced that the Club Mangers Association of America best represents these interests, and as members thereof, subscribe to the following Code of Ethics: We will uphold the best tradition of club management through adherence to sound business principles, and will assist our club officers to secure the utmost in efficient and successful club operations.

  • We will consistently promote the recognition and esteem of club management as a profession and conduct our personal and business affairs in a manner to reflect capability and integrity. We will always honor our contractual employment obligations.

  • We will strive to advance our knowledge and abilities as Club Managers, and will willingly share with other Associations members the lesson of our experience.

  • We will support our local chapter and National Association by attending meetings regularly and by our cooperation in providing such pertinent information as may be from time to time required.

  • We will not permit ourselves to be subsidized or compromised by any interest doing business with our clubs.

  • We will refrain from initiation correspondence or discussing with a director, members or official of another club regarding its affairs without the prior knowledge of the Manager thereof.

  • We will advise the National Office whenever possible regarding managerial openings at clubs that come to our attention. We will do all within our power to assist our fellow Club Managers in pursuit of their professional goals.

  • We deem it our duty to report to local or national officers any willful violations of this Code of Ethics.
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